Case Results at the Law Office of David J. Oliveira
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Misplacement of flow valve in anesthesia machine causes cardiac arrest and brain damage of 29 year old mother.
Failure to manage blood volumes after plastic surgery leads to fainting, broken neck and spinal cord injury.
Failure to properly brace construction beam leads to rollover on ironworker and serious crush injuries.
Failure to perform C section in the face of fetal distress results in birth of child with cerebral palsy.
Lab slide mix-up results in misdiagnosis of cancer and removal of healthy prostate.
Failure of car driver to yield causes motorcycle accident, mangled leg, multiple surgeries; settled without filing suit.
Misdiagnosis of cerebral aneurysm by walk-in clinic leads to death of young mother.
Surgeon’s negligent failure to properly manage patient’s position during prolonged surgery causes severe sciatic nerve damage.
Failure of therapist and psychiatrist to respond properly to imminent risk of suicide leads to patient’s wrongful death.
Manufacturer products liability when artificial hips fail requiring revision surgery and device replacement; settled soon after suit filed.
Failure to properly test for birth defects leads to birth of profoundly handicapped child.
Failure to read echocardiogram and respond to patient’s complaints results in heart attack and wrongful death.
Misdiagnosis of pulmonary embolism results in wrongful death of elderly patient.
Radioactive dye injected in wrong location causes nerve damage, spinal cord injury and chronic leg pain.
Misdiagnosis of diverticulitis leads to abdominal infection and wrongful death (Massachusetts cap on damages applied).
Water on floor of clothing store causes fall and resultant back surgery.
Failure to perform C section in the face of fetal distress causes death of child. (Massachusetts cap on damages applied).
Providing defective ladder leads to ironworker’s knee injury.
Rear end collision causes cervical injury requiring disk surgery; settled without filing suit.